The Best SEO Podcasts for Beginners in 2023

Podcast Setting

Embarking on the whirlwind journey of staying updated with SEO news can leave anyone breathless. The constant influx of information and the ever-expanding learning curve can make traditional methods like reading seem insufficient. But fear not, for I've devised a clever solution – I've replaced my typical generic podcast routine during commutes with something that truly enriches me: SEO podcasts.

Think about it – that commute time, which was once unremarkable, has now transformed into a valuable resource for indulging my passion and growth. Believe me, crafting the list of top-tier SEO podcasts was no cakewalk.

Among the myriad of so-called SEO podcasts, many turned out to be unrelated distractions. Thus, I undertook the task of meticulous filtering. After a determined search, I'm thrilled to share with you the elite selection – the crème de la crème of SEO podcasts that have withstood my scrutiny.

Give them a listen, explore which one resonates with your style, and gear up for a journey that will keep you attuned to the ever-changing SEO landscape. In the rapid current of SEO updates, tuning in to these insightful podcasts is the key to staying ahead.

Search Off the Record

Hosted by Gary Illyes, John Mueller, and other Googlers, "Search Off the Record" provides insights straight from the Google team. Tune in to get the inside scoop on the latest search engine optimization trends, directly from the experts themselves.

*Despite its source, the podcast often delves into SEO topics tailored for beginners. For instance, they've dedicated episodes to fundamental aspects like how to pick a domain name, making it an excellent starting point for those new to SEO.

The SEO Mindset Podcast

The SEO Mindset Podcast" takes you deep into the psychology behind successful SEO strategies, The podcast explores how the right mindset can transform your approach to SEO.

However, it's important to note that this podcast doesn't primarily focus on the technical or practical aspects of SEO. Instead, it leans more towards exploring the theoretical realm of SEO and delves into the mindset and qualities required to navigate the world of SEO on a day-to-day basis.

The Search Engine Journal Show

The Search Engine Journal Show" provides a comprehensive dive into the world of SEO. Hosted by Loren Baker, this podcast covers a wide range of SEO topics, offering insights, interviews, and discussions with industry experts.

What sets this podcast apart is the quality of guests and the variety and relevancy of topics they talk about. Loren invites top notch SEOs, so it makes sense the content is good.

If you’re struggling to pick an episode, here’s one you might find relevant, especially if you’re using WordPress as a CMS.


Wix an extremely popular CMS. Naturally, they know a thing or two about SEO. Things they share on the podcasts. In addition, they often invite interesting guests with rich experiences and a track record of optimizing websites. Which makes their episodes worth chekcing.

Copyblogger Podcast

SEO encompasses far more than just technical optimization. It spans across various realms, including content creation and the acquisition of backlinks. Thankfully, there are podcasts that delve into these essential aspects too. For instance, consider "Copyblogger," a podcast hosted by some of the finest copywriters on the web. They offer valuable insights on optimizing your content for search engines. Don't miss out on this valuable resource. give it a listen and enhance your SEO strategies.