The 8 best Google Chrome extensions for SEO I use every day

Google Bard

Not a day goes by without me using these 5 extensions. They save me time and make my day a whole lot easier. Here’s what you need to know.

Ahrefs SEO toolbar

I use this one to check everything for blog structure (H1, H2, etc) and meta descriptions to the page status and outgoing links mentioned. Coming from Ahrefs, I know I can rely on it at all times.

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I use this one as a complement to Ahrefs SEO. With it, I check domain authorities, the distribution of backlinks, internal linking, and keyword density. The diagnosis option is a big plus, I use it to quickly audit a page.

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AWR search anywhere

Search results change according to location. As a remote worker, my location can skew search results. That’s why I use this to get the results from the desired location. It does one thing, but it does it well.

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User-agent switcher

The same content can be displayed differently depending on devices and browsers. This extension allows me to quickly switch user agents to get a glance at the differences.

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Web scraper

This does exactly what you think. It makes data scraping easy and convenient.

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Compare SERP titles

Google frequently changes meta titles when it thinks they’re not descriptive enough. This extension shows you the changed titles directly on the SERP.

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Keywords everywhere

The tool provides you with relevant (long-tail) keywords related to your query. What’s nice is that you can directly export the data or copy it for further treatment.

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View rendered source

This one helps with viewing how the browser renders your page and how users see your pages.

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SEO meta in 1 click

This one does a lot of things. Here’s what you can see using it:

  • title and its length
  • description and its length
  • URL (and meta-canonical URL too)
  • Meta-robots
  • Displaying headers in order of their appearance in HTML (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and H6)
  • Number of images with and without ALT
  • The number of links (internal, unique, ...)
  • Open Graph and Twitter social data
  • Robots.txt and sitemap.xml
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